Research Paper
Author: Dr. Maitri Kaushik1, Dr.Vikrant Sagar2, . Sumit Dokwal3, Dr. Piyush Bansal4, Dr Jai Kumar5
1. MS, Professor & Head, Department of ENT, Bhartiya Vidya Peeth Deemed University Medical College, Pune, India
2. MS, Junior Resident, Department of ENT, Bhartiya Vidya Peeth Deemed University Medical College, Pune, Maharastra, India
3. MD, Senior Resident, Department of Biochemistry, Pt. B. D. S. PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India
4. MD, Senior Resident, Department of Biochemistry, Pt. B. D. S. PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India
5. MD, Senior Resident, Department of Physiology, Pt. B. D. S. PGI
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Tuberculous otitis media is now a days not common. Accordingly, the correct diagnosis sometimes gets delayed causing complications, for instances, irreversible hearing loss, facial nerve paralysis, and so on. The diagnosis is further difficult when aural cholesteatoma is combined with tuberculosis of the middle ear. Recently, we experienced a case of tuberculous otitis media combined with cholesteatoma in both the ears with complication. Right ear had facial paresis with a meato mastoid fistula and the left ear had labrynthine fistula. There was no clinical feature suggestive of tuberculosis. He was operated on with a presumptive diagnosis of complicated chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma. Postoperatively the diagnosis of tuberculosis with cholesteatoma was established by AFB smear and culture examination. Thus it is imperative that any patient with a long history of discharging ears with complication should be screened for tuberculosis by culture and staining, as tuberculosis might be the cause of infection. We report our findings in this patient and discuss the relationship between the tuberculosis and chronic otitis media with review of literature.