Asrigdara is a disease manifest as excessive bleeding per vagina during menstrual period. It is a debilitating disease in woman and disturbs their routing life.
To understand the pathophysiology (samprapti )of disease is very important . Samprapti is the process in which the doshas get vitiated and manifest as the disease. A better treatment can be given only after prevention of vitiation of doshas and pacification of vitiated doshas .
In this article pathophysiology of Asrigdara is discussed w.s.r. to dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Pathophysiology of Asrigdara is very similar to that of dysfunctional uterine bleeding which is very common now a day and treatment option is mainly hormonal treatment and finally hysterectomy.
According to modern science aetiology of DUB is unknown, disturbed inflammatory response and altered vascular endothelial growth factor in endometrium is thought to it’s resion.
Inflammatory response is very much similar to altered functioning of pitta and vata and altered growth of vessel is similar to improper functioning of vata.
So for sampraptivighatan one should take care of vitiated vata and pitta which is expressed is term of disturbed inflammatory response and endothelial growth factor, by chikitsasiddhanta of Asrigdara we can provides better, safer treatment for heavy bleeding during menses (Asrigdara w.s.r. to DUB) and a new area of research will open i.e. to assess drug described in Asrigdara and their action on inflammatory response and endothelial growth factor is endometrium.
Key word
- Samprapti, Asrigdara, DUB, Pitta, Vata, Inflammatory response