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Author: Dr. Narendra Shanker Tripathi, ,

Author/Corresponding Author: Asstt. Professor in Kriya Sharir, Department of Kriya Sharir , Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Science , Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi -221005 (UP) Email-

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Asian Journal of Modern and Ayurvedic Medical Science (ISSN 2279-0772) Vol.1,no.1, July 2012. [ © The Author 2012]

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Research Paper



Dr. Narendra Shanker Tripathi


T he Declaration of the author for publication of Research Paper in Asian Journal of Modern and Ayurvedic Medical Science (ISSN 2279-0772) i Narendra Shanker Tripathi the author of the research paper entitled concept of agni in ayurveda declare that , i take the responsibility of the content and material of my paper as I myself have written it and also have read the manuscript of my paper carefully. Also, I hereby give my consent to publish our paper in ajmams , This research paper is my original work and no part of it or it’s similar version is published or has been sent for publication anywhere else.I authorise the Editorial Board of the Journal to modify and edit the manuscript. I also give my consent to the publisher of ajmams to own the copyright of my research paper.  


Received january 1,2012;accepted june 20, 2012 ,published july1,2012


 ABSTRACT : In Ayurveda, Agni maximally represents digestive & metabolic fire in the body .It is the substance in the secretions of the body which are directly responsible for chemical changes in the body. It consist digestive (pak) and different kinds of hormones, enzyme and co enzymes activities etc. which participate in these digestive & metabolic functions. Due to increased activity of pitta in yuva vastava (young stage) digestive & metabolic rate are higher. Vigor & vitality of human being is also maintained by balanced activity of Agni. It is necessary for proper growth & development of the body & their parts. Due to advancement in age, depletion of Agni is taking place (in old age) which cause instability in Agni, ultimately leads to decrease decay, atrophy, decay due to defective digestion in metabolism that’s why vigor and vitality id decreased.” .............................................................................................................................................


The term of Agni , in common language, means fire. However, in the context of the functioning of a living organism, which maintains its integrity and performs its vital activities, by converting in Pakadi-Karmas or bio-physical and bio- chemical processes, the foods consumed in various ways – licked, masticated, drunk, etc. not only into its various structural and functional constituents but also to provide the Shakti or energy necessary for processing with its innumerable vital activities, this term does not actually mean fire. In these sequences, the term Agni comprehends various factors which participate in and direct the course of digestion and metabolism in living organism.1


Agni, by name of Agni-vyapar is an agent that helps in the digestion and metabolism of food stuffs and drugs. There are many types of Agni in the body. There may be specific types of Agni’s for specific type of Para going on in the body at different level. But it has been classified into three broad headings2

(i )  JATHARAGNI     (ii)      DHATWAGNI     (iii)      BHUTAGNI

Further they may be classified as one, seven and five types respectively. First is jatharagni . It is related with the gastro-intestinal digestion and absorption. In addition it has been considered to influence the Agni situated elsewhere.

          The concept of dhatwagni and bhutagni refers to the intermediary tissue metabolism. The dhatwagni are seven (Rasagni, raktagni, mansagni, medoagni, asthiagni, mazzagni, and shukragni ) and bhutagni are five (prathivagni, apyaagni, agneyaagni, vayavaagni, and nabhasagni)3


It converts the gross food particles into smaller particles which are then able to be absorbed. It is related to the gastro-intestinal tract. ( Jathar means Gastrium)

The Ayu (life span), Varna (complexion), Bal (vitality), Swasthya (good health), Utsaha (enthusiasm ), Sharir Vridhi, Prabha (glow), Oja (vital essence), Tej (lusture), Agnis and the Pran (life breaths) are derived from the Agni in the body.4

          When the Agni is extinguished man dies, when a man is induced with it adequately, he lives long in good health, when it is de-arranged, he begins to ail. Therefore the function of Agni is said to be the main stay of life. The food which is considered the nourishing factor of the Sharir, Dhatu, Ojas, Bal, Varna and other things, that very food too, is dependent for its nutrient action on the jatharagni as from the undigested food, the sharir dhatu cannot be formed.5


There are five kinds of Agni innate in each of the maha-bhuta of the body – prithvi, apya , agneya, vayava and nabhasa , every bhutagni digests its own corresponding component mahabhuta, in the ingested food which is a compound of the mahabhutas . Just as a quality in the substances nourishes individually its corresponding quality in the body as for example, the mahabhuta of prithvi in the body is nourished by the mahabhutas nourish their corresponding qualities, thus making for complete nourishment.6


The body substaining Dhatu , which are seven, undergo combustion by their Dhatwagni and each of them gets transformed into products namely Prasad (vital substances) and Kitta (excretory substances).7

The very causative factor of amavata , the ama is resultant of hypo functioning of Agni . Accordingly, as to the Dosha or Doshas which may influence Jatharagni, there are three types of Agni disorders .8

(i )   VISHMAGNI   (ii)       TIKSHNAGNI    (iii)      MANDAGNI


 It is caused by vitiation of Vata and results in Vishtabdha-Jirna . It manifests with Shoola (pain in abdomen), adhaman (digestion of abdomen), todabheda (pricking like pain), apravriti of adhovayu and malas (non movement of flatus and excreta), stabdhata (stiffness), murchha (fainting) and angamarda etc.symptoms of vata (vroddhi ).9


It is caused by vitiation of pitta and results in vidag-dha- jirna . It manifests with bhrama (giddiness), trishna (thirst), Murchha and osha (heating), chosha (scorching), Sweda (perspiration), amlodgara (belching), daha (burning sensation) and other symptoms of pitta. 10


It is caused by vitiation of kapha which is the main cause in formation of Ama and results in amajirna . It produces gaurava (heaviness of abdomen / or of whole body), utklesh (nausea), shotha on kapola (cheeks) and akshikuta (eye orbit) and avidagdha udagara (belching), occurring soon after and according to meals.11


Agni have strong relation with different types of Prakrities (personalities)12,13,14.In Vata Prakriti individual Vismagni (unstable digestive & metabolic power) is very common. In person having Pitta Prakriti , Agni is very potent. Mandagni is common in Kapha Prakriti individuals. Homeostasis15 is also maintained by the proper functioning of the agni. Seasonal variation15 also affect the functioning of agni.

          Thus disorder of kapha is the root cause in the genesis of Ama and this disease. Ama is also of the nature of Kapha , its physical properties are quite similar to Kapha .

If all the 13 Agnis are not in normal state and remain untreated, several types of disease may develop due to accumulation of Ama . The Dhatwagni and Bhutagni may be vitiated in the same way as Jatharagni by the tridosha . Thus if Dhatwagni and bhutagni are depressed it will result in the production of “Ama ”.


 Agni may be correlated with digestive & metabolic fire in the body .It is the substance secreted in our body, which is directly responsible for chemical changes in the body. It consist digestive (pak) enzymes and different kinds of hormones, and co-enzymes activities etc. which participate in these digestive & metabolic functions. It is a logical conclusion that Ama is produced due to hypo-functioning of Agni. At any level of the three Pakas (digestion and metabolism i.e. Madhur, Amla & Katu avastha paka & vipaka) due to hypo-functioning of the agni concerned unwanted chemical substances are produced known as Ama. Hypo-functioning of any Agni specially of Jatharagni is likely to affect the function of other too, leading to formation of Ama in the different stage of Paka-karma. Lastly we can say that Agni plays very important role in growth, development & maintenance of the body.


1.        Introduction to Kaya Chikitsa by C – dwarkanath (p-45)

2.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan 15/13(Chakrapani)

3.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan (15/4, 13,15)

4.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan (15/3-4)

5.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan (15/5)

6.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan (15/-13-14)

7.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan (15/15)

8.        Charak Samhita, chikitsasthan (15/49-50)

9.        Madhav Nidan (Madhukosh-1986 Ed.) p-206/Shlok -12

10.     Madhav Nidan (Madhukosh-1986 Ed.) p-206/Shlok -11

11.     Madhav Nidan (Madhukosh-1986 Ed.) p-206/Shlok -10

12. Tripathi NS. Concept of formation of prakriti in ayurveda, The Indian Journal of            Research Anvikshiki, Vol-5, Number-4 July-August 2011.

13. Tripathi NS. Conceptual Study Of Development Of Prakriti in Ayurveda, The Indian Journal Of Research Anvikshiki, Vol-5, Number-4 July-August 2011.

 14. Tripathi NS. Conceptual Study Of Vata Dosha-“The Controller Of Body”, The Indian Journal Of Research Anvikshiki, Vol-6, Number-1 Jan-Feb 2012.

 15. Chaudhary Sunil Kumar, Tripathi NS. Concept Of Homeostasis In Ayurveda, The Indian Journal Of Research Anvikshiki, Vol-6, Number-4 July-August 2012.


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