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Serum Amylase levels in Metabolic Syndrome

Serum Amylase levels in Metabolic Syndrome

Author: Dokwal S1, Bansal P2, Ghalaut VS3,, Bhadra J4, Mahor D4,, Kulshrestha MR5

1Demonstrator, Department of biochemistry, Pt BDSPGIMS, Rohtak, India.Email:,2Assistant Professor, Department of biochemistry, ESI Medical College,Mandi, Himanchal Pradesh,,3Senior Professor & Head, Department of biochemistry, Pt BDSPGIMS, Rohtak, India.Email:,4PG resident, Department of biochemistry,Pt BDSPGIMS, Rohtak,,;;5Assistant Professor, Departme

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Background: Few recent studies have reported low serum amylase levels to be a risk factor of metabolic syndrome (MetS) with association of low amylase levels with worse lipid profile parameters, suggesting an endocrine-exocrine relationship in pancreas. However they also reported increasing prevalence of stroke and requirement for drug treatment for hypercholesterolemia with higher amylase levels. Other studies have reported elevated amylase levels in diabetes. The present study was thus designed to study the status of serum amylase levels in metabolic syndrome.

Methodology: Study group comprised of 200 subjects (25–75 yrs) with MetS. Persons with any other chronic and acute illness, renal dysfunction and drug intake (OCP, steroids, aspirin etc.) known to influence amylase levels, persons with high urea levels and those with amylase <30 IU/L &> 200 IU/L were also excluded. Control group comprised of 50 healthy controls.

Results: Amylase levels was significantly higher than in control group (71.80±29.06vs59.9±21.40 IU/L, p=0.010). Amylase levels positively correlated with serum triglycerides (r=0.210, p=0.032), ALT (r=0.223, p=0.023) and urea (r=0.209, p=0.039) and were negatively correlated with HDL-Cholesterol levels (r=0.267, p=0.006) in the study group.

Discussion: The study found higher amylase levels in MetS which were correlated significantly with higher triglycerides and lower HDL-Cholesterol levels. Hyperinsulinemia a feature of MetS is known to increase amylase secretion. Pancreatic tissue in Type 2 DM has been reported to have inflammatory hyper-cellularity, loss of cell adhesion and paracrine communication, apoptosis, ECM remodelling fibrosis in both islet (endocrine) and acinar(exocrine) tissues. This may be leading to increase release of amylase as a non-functional plasma protein, reflecting the slow continuous pancreatic inflammation and damage.


Keywords: Amylase, Metabolic Syndrome, Type-2 Diabeties Mellitus


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